2010 Proceedings

2010 Program

Memorial to Dr. Gilbert Hollis (University of Illinois)

A brief review of the 10-year history of the Midwest Swine Nutrition Conference

Gary Cromwell (University of Kentucky) and Tilford R. Cline (Purdue University)

Emerging policy issues impacting animal agriculture

Lowell Randel, Federation of Animal Sciences Society

Vomitoxin – How do we correct the problem in the future?

Don Mahan, Ohio State University

NIR of feedstuffs and enhancement of NIR prediction of nutrient availability

John Black (John Black Consulting) and John Spragg (JCS Solutions Pty Ltd).

Salmonella transmission. “dissemination , colonization and control”

Paul Ebner, Purdue University

Overview of environmental monitoring research at Purdue University

Brian Richert, Alan Sutton, and Scott Radcliff, Purdue University

Net energy – Current status

James Pettigrew, University of Illinois

A perspective on changes in the feed industry in the next ten years

Pearse Lyons, Alltech Biotechnology, Inc.

Linking our understanding of mammary gland metabolism in sow amino acid nutrition

Nathalie Trotier and Rodrigo Manjarin, Michigan State University